This bug looks similar to which got fixed in
1.4.2-0.3 by removing the /usr/sbin/prelink line from the config file.

> I've chosen to keep currently-installed version of "/etc/rkhunter.conf"

That's a problem and won't work because the configuration file format has
changed between 1.4.0 and 1.4.2. I don't think we necessarily can (or
should) fix this. Users should accept the new config file and merge their
changes manually.

> I did not dig deeper but it looks like something is broken in postinst
> configuration handling...

This part of the postinst script could be made more robust to handle the
case where the config file is missing:

  # Copy the passwd/group files to the TMP directory
  # to avoid warnings when rkhunter is first run.
  # This is normally done by the installer script.
  rkhtmpdir=$(grep '^TMPDIR' /etc/rkhunter.conf | sed 's/TMPDIR=//')
  [ -f $rkhtmpdir/passwd ] || cp -p /etc/passwd $rkhtmpdir >/dev/null 2>&1
  [ -f $rkhtmpdir/group ] || cp -p /etc/group $rkhtmpdir >/dev/null 2>&1


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