El Dimarts, 21 d'octubre de 2014, a les 23:27:30, Werner Detter va escriure:
> Hi everybody,
> I want to package a library, developed in C (libcmime) which is based on
> cmake. If I'm right - there should be
> a) the main package "libcmime"
> /usr/lib/libcmime.so.0.1 (symlink to the next one)
> /usr/lib/libcmime.so.0.1.14
> b) the dev package "libcmime-dev"
> /usr/lib/libcmime.so (symlink to 0.1.19)
> /usr/include/cmime/*.h
> /usr/lib/pkgconfig/cmime.pc
> As this package is the first one with a C library, based on CMAKE for me it
> would be great if anyone could point me to a similar package to stud
> debian/rules
> Thanks and cheers,
> Werner

it's c++ but it could be similar.



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