Thanks for your feedback. I've sent the RFS to quickly, sorry.

* Package name    : averell
  Version         : 1.0a-1
  Upstream Author : Jean Parpaillon <jean.parpail...@free.fr>
* URL             : http://github.com/jeanparpaillon/averell
* License         : Apache 2.0
  Section         : httpd

Regarding Vcs-* links, I've included packaging in the upstream
repository itself, like mentioned on

...but I forgot to push debian and upstream branches, which is fixed


Le mardi 23 décembre 2014 à 15:40 +0100, Diederik de Haas a écrit :
> On Tuesday 23 December 2014 15:23:40 Jean Parpaillon wrote:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "averell"
> > 
> > * Package name    : averell
> >   Version         : 1.0a-1
> >   Upstream Author : [fill in name and email of upstream]
> > * URL             : [fill in URL of upstreams web site]
> > * License         : [fill in]
> >   Section         : httpd
> You are supposed to specify the fields which are marked [fill in ...]
> Furthermore, Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git should not point to the upstream code, 
> but to the repository containing your packaging files (with the debian 
> directory)
> I won't be able to help further since I've just started to learn packaging 
> myself, but every bit helps (I hope).

Jean Parpaillon
Open Source Consultant
Phone: +33 6 30 10 92 86
im: jean.parpail...@gmail.com
skype: jean.parpaillon
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanparpaillon/en

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