Am Mittwoch, den 11.02.2015, 06:53 +1100 schrieb Riley Baird:
> > I found unvanquished, which in my opinion is a good game:
> >
> > 
> > But there is already a debian package, which is not part of debian 
> > repository:
> >
> > 
> > Is it useful to repackage it from sources?
> > Otherwise what should be done?

Sure, you can use the package from upstream as a starting point. But
expect that you need to check and re-ask everything, as this package is
not perfect. (I only made a spot-check and not everything I was was
perfect; however this was only a very short spot check.) 

From my experience it is often better to start from scratch. Of course,
the upstream packaging can give some inspiration how upstream thinks it
should be organized by distributions.

If you are interested in packaging the game for Debian, please consider
to join the Debian Games Team [1] and team-maintain the package.

> If you want the package to be in main, it has to be compilable from
> source. However, you may be able to use their package as a starting point.

For main you actually have another requirement [2] : Free data. 
Unfortunatly upstream allows also non-free  licenses [3], so this is a
strong indication that at least some of their assets are non-free.   
(randomly taking a look at the map "forlon" shows this one is on a
CC-BY-ND-NC license, checking another one there is no info at all
So there will be some work to get license straightened with uptream and
to find out if there is free content for the game. 

I hope I did not scare you off, but packaging is something that does not
have instant results :) It would be definitly a nice game to be packaged
-- even "only" in contrib. 

I could be persuaded to sponsor this, afterall.  



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