On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 06:10:24PM +0000, Thaddeus H. Black wrote:
> A bug is years old.  It will probably not be fixed.  It should probably not 
> be fixed.  It is probably not even a bug.
> The bug's submitter is not complaining.
> Why is the bug still open?
> Example: #619363. [1]
>     1: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=619363
> If I were the maintainer, I believe that I would have closed a bug like this. 
>  The actual maintainer however (now emeritus) is smarter than me.  He did not 
> close it.  This suggests that he knew something I do not understand about 
> proper bug handling.
Probably the maintainer was reluctant to close the bug at the same time as
providing the info he provided in his email, and wanted to see the
submitter's reaction first. Then, when you have 48 bugs on a package, it's
easy to lose that one bug, forgetting about it.

> I am confused.  What should I learn from this example about proper bug 
> handling, please?
That proper and timely bug triaging is a very important (and time
consuming) part of maintaining a package with a lot of open bug reports,
which is often not done because a maintainer doesn't have time for it.


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