On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 9:26 PM, Guilhem Moulin wrote:

> not a reason for rejection

Not being willing to sponsor the package isn't a rejection, just an
indicator that I don't have time for a proper initial review and
ongoing sponsorship. My mail was part quick review for things you
might want to look at and part advertisment for the
check-all-the-things tool :)

> Done for the homepage and upstream/metadata.  Thanks for the tips.
> (Unfortunately upstream currently doesn't tag their release nor provide
> tarballs, so the watchfile is useless right now since I don't know how
> to mangle the versions, right?)

There is a versioned upstream tarball available on the author's
website, I assumed that was where you got your tarball from but I
guess you generated it from github somehow?


> I serve git over (smart) HTTP.  And well, the CA is valid, it just
> happen not to be in your CA store :-P

Nor in any other default CA store ;-P

> Again I intend to be the maintainer, not upstream :-P  (And the package
> has been around in its current state for 16 years.)  I'll forward your
> remarks upstream though.

Part of the package maintainer's job is to forward patches, bug
reports and feedback upstream, so thanks for doing that :)




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