Hi Frank,

I think I know a language that will do what you want, it is called
LISP! Lisp stands for `list processing language' or `lots of
irritating superfluous parentheses' when it doesn't. Lisp allows you
to program as if you were writing mathematics, aka functional

I learned Lisp from the 1986 6.001 lectures
The dialect of Lisp I am using is called Scheme and the implementation
I am using is called Guile

For examples on doing sets operations on list, see
but you would need to know basic Scheme first. (Just watch the 6.001
lectures, they should blow your mind if you haven't seen Lisp before!)

(lset-union eq? '(a b c d e) '(a e i o u))
=> (u o i a b c d e)
(lset<= eq? '(a) '(a b a) '(a b c c))
=> #t

Q: What is the union of (a b c d e) and (a e i o u)
A: (u o i a b c d e)
Q: Is (a) a subset of (a b a) and (a b a) a subset of (a b c c)?
A: True


2015-09-26 0:11 GMT+08:00, Frank Stähr <der-storch...@gmx.net>:
> Hello everybody,
> I am not yet looking for a sponsor, but going to program a tiny tool:
> "setop" takes as inputs several lists/sets, calculates desired
> (mathematical) set operations on them and outputs the final set (or
> depending on operation resulting number of elements, answer yes/no, …).
> For example: File A contains 3 3 2 5 1 (each number an extra line). Then
> setop A
> would result in 1 2 3 5. This is equivalent to
> sort | uniq
> With a file B containing 5 90 2 7 the command
> setop -i A B
> would yield 2 5.
> Here, -i stands for intersection. Of course, there is no limitation to
> numbers, elements can be any non-empty strings. Other operations are
> union, symmetric difference, difference, contains element, is subset,
> cardinality and so on.
> Is this tool senseful, is there a certain need for it?
> As you can see on
> <http://www.catonmat.net/blog/set-operations-in-unix-shell-simplified/>
> nearly all these operations can already be done with other tools, but
> the according command lines are mostly very tortuous. There doesn’t seem
> to be a tool that directly works with sets.
> So my questions is: Is there a need for such a program or is there
> already something very similar? (Is this the right place for asking?)
> I even exactly know what options setop should have and what it can do
> (how it is used), but am waiting for some responses from you before
> programming.
> Note: I already asked two years ago but didn’t get satisfactory
> responses. Only now I remembered my idea.
> I would be very grateful for your feedback,
> Frank

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