Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for a new version of propellor.

* Package name    : propellor
  Version         : 2.15.1-1
  Upstream Author : Joey Hess <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-2-clause
  Section         : admin

Changes since the last upload:

  * New upstream version.
  * Add watch file.
  * Fix specification of packaging branch in Vcs-Git: variable.
  * Silence xargs during package build when hothasktags is not installed.
    Patch accepted upstream for next upstream release.

Download with dget:

    dget -x

Or build it with gbp:

    git clone -b debian
    git checkout debian/2.15.1-1
    git verify-tag debian/2.15.1-1     # if you have my key
    gbp buildpackage -sa

Note to potential sponsor: due to an unorthadox changelog, you must
explicitly pass -sa to either gbp or dpkg-buildpackage in order to
include the *.orig.tar.xz file in your *.changes file.


Sean Whitton

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Description: Digital signature

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