Hi Philip,
        I am not a DD, so I cannot sponsor this package.
However I am interested in this kind of tools and also maintain transcriber,
that, despite of its age, is still one of the best available alternatives.

Below you may find my comments:

On 24/02/2016 14:35, Philip Rinn wrote:
>   I am looking for a sponsor for my package "gtranscribe"
>   The packaging is available at:
>     https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/gtranscribe.git

I checked out the repository and built the package.

1) I think you should consider upgrading the codebase from python2 to python3, 
as there is a long term goal to drop support to python2

2) dh_python2 is reporting some warnings and I think they should be addressed.

3) gtranscribe.1 file reports "image-file" instead of "audio-file".

4) Running gtranscribe produces warnings on my system:

/usr/bin/gtranscribe:22: PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a 
version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure 
that the right
version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import GLib, GObject, Gtk, Gdk, GtkSpell
/usr/bin/gtranscribe:22: PyGIWarning: GtkSpell was imported without specifying 
a version first. Use gi.require_version('GtkSpell', '3.0') before import to 
ensure that the
right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import GLib, GObject, Gtk, Gdk, GtkSpell

5) I tried gtranscribe with a small wav file (1 channel, 16bit signed int PCM 
little endian, 16kHz)  invoked with:
"gtranscribe <wavfile>"

I got these additional warning lines on the console:
(gtranscribe:10990): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_grab_default: assertion 
'gtk_widget_get_can_default (widget)' failed
AL lib: (WW) alc_initconfig: Failed to initialize backend "pulse"
AL lib: (EE) UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 16000hz, got 48000hz instead

I tried the playback (and worked), then I changed the playback slowdown factor 
and tried the playback again (and it worked). Then I tried to change the 
slowdown factor
again at i got a segmentation fault.

6) as soon as a value for the slowdown factor is stored in the user cache, 
running playback and then changing the factor again results in segmentation 

7) slowdown factor is taken into account only during the first playback.

8) I do not know if these warnings can be addressed or not, but every time I 
add a new line I see this line in the console:

** (gtranscribe:12100): CRITICAL **: enchant_dict_check: assertion 'len' failed

9) Is there any information that can help users understand what format will be 
produced and how to use the file with other tools?
Is the output of this tool supposed to be machine readable?
Because if the answer is yes, it is too easy for a user to completely destroy 
the annotation, as the text is not escaped.


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