Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "cloudabi-utils"
 Package name    : cloudabi-utils
 Version         : 0.8-1
 Upstream Author : Ed Schouten <>
 URL             :
 License         : 2-clause BSD license
 Section         : misc

It builds those binary packages:
 cloudabi-utils - Utilities for spawning CloudABI processes
 libcloudabi-dev - Native ports of CloudABI functions (development files)
 libcloudabi0 - Native ports of CloudABI functions (shared library)

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:
 dget -x

----- End of boilerplate ;-) -----

To summarize, cloudabi-utils is a package that provides a utility called
cloudabi-run that you can use to start CloudABI programs. CloudABI is a secure
POSIX-like runtime built around the concept of capability-based security.

In order to make the startup process secure, cloudabi-run cannot start the
requested program directly. It first has to jump through a tiny 'proxy' program
called cloudabi-reexec to ensure it has already entered CloudABI's sandbox.
cloudabi-reexec itself is a CloudABI program. This tool has to be built with a
cross compiler for CloudABI and linked against CloudABI's C library. All of
these components are fully BSD and MIT licensed:

- Toolchain: Clang, LLVM, LLD, Binutils
- C runtime library: LLVM's compiler-rt
- C library:
- cloudabi-reexec:

Now the problem is as follows: I don't think it's realistic that we'll be able
to build cloudabi-reexec as part of this Debian package. I don't have any
intent on including packages for CloudABI's C library in Debian, for example.
For this reason I've including a precompiled binary. The README explicitly
states where this binary came from. A package that I wrote for FreeBSD also
uses these precompiled binaries:

My question is, is this all right according to Debian's project guidelines? If
not, is there anything I can do to address this?

 Ed Schouten

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