
On Fri, 2016-03-25 at 14:44 +0000, Christopher Lees wrote:
> I hope this is the correct place to try and get into touch with someone.
> I appear to have become the current upstream coder for the package openBVE:
> https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=openbve
> My Github repository is here:
> http://github.com/leezer3/OpenBVE/
> This was abandoned by the original developer in ~2007 or so, and
> unfortunately the version in the Debian repositories is broken on anything
> above Wheezy.

I had a go with the version in unstable using some routes I found and
things seem to work ok. What exactly is broken?

> Whilst I'm not sure I'd currently consider my much updated version ready
> for Debian itself, I would like to get into touch with someone who could
> potentially adopt the maintainership of the current package, and fix the
> current breaking issues with it.
> When that's done, discussion could be had about what is required, and guide
> me through the process of getting a version of my builds into the
> repositories.
> I have tried mailing the current maintainer- Paul Sladen, but whilst I've
> had two replies promising he'll get back to me, I've had nothing more.
> Whilst I have no experience in Debian packaging, I'm happy to work with
> someone to get this situation sorted out.

Did you contact the Debian CLI Applications Team, the team listed in
the maintainer field of the package as well?

How long ago were those replies? The package was last updated in
January this year so it doesn't seem unmaintained.


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