On Wednesday 26 September 2007 17:14:43 Thomas de Grivel wrote:
> Hi all ! I am rather new here and would like to contribute a bit.
> I am myself a programmer (see http://patchwork13.sf.net/) and currently
> learning to maintain my own debian packages.
> Enough with presentations, let me introduce what brings me here.
> Pw13 uses the STK lib from Stanford CCRMA and to my surprise it is
> included in Debian (as opposite to many distributions) but fails to work.
> All I get is :
> > symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libstk.so.0:
> >   undefined symbol: jack_set_error_function
> If you definitely don't care/know about my problem (which I can
> understand), here is a more interesting thing : ccrma released a new STK
> version which is not yet packaged, and I might be interested in taking care
> of it. http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/pipermail/stk/2007-August/000370.html

Great initiative. However, stk is maintained by Guenter Geiger, not 
debian-multimedia. I provided a patch to Guenter for version 4.2.1[1], but 
unfortunately that went nowhere. You should contact Guenter about this 
directly, and maybe bring stk to debian-multimedia.

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/427294


        Felipe Sateler

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