Control: found -1 5.1.4-0+deb12u1
Control: notfound -1 5.1.4-0
Control: tags -1 moreinfo

On 2024-06-07 15:03:56 +0000, wrote:
> Package: ffmpeg
> Version: 5.1.4-0
> Release: Bookworm
> ffmpeg terminates (without error) after a couple of frames when trying
> to download, copy or transcode an HLS/fMP4 stream.
> HOWEVER, the same ffmpeg command lines work fine on HLS/TS streams.
> I am generating the streams using the program `go2rtc` on an RPi5
> Note that the problem seems to be *specific* to Debian Bookworm.
> Specifically the same HLS/fMP4 stream and ffmeg command lines:
>   - Fail on:
>          x86/Debian/Bookworm - ffmpeg 5.1.4
>          RPi5/Bookworm - ffmpeg 5.1.4
>   - Succeed on:
>          RPi4/Buster - ffmpeg 4.1.11
>          x86/Debian/Bullseye - ffmpeg 4.3.6
>          x86/Debian/Trixie - ffmpeg 6.1.1
>          x86/Ubuntu 18.04 - ffmpeg 3.4.11
>          x86/Ubuntu 22:04 - ffmpeg 4.4.2
>          x86/Ubuntu 24:04 - ffmpeg 6.1.1
>          Win11/Cygwin - ffmpeg 4.0.2
> i.e., versions (on multiple platforms) before and after 5.1.4 succeed.
> Using even this simple line fails where the stream is HLS/fMP4
> # ffmpeg -re -i "http://mypi:1984/api/stream.m3u8?src=picam_h264&mp4"; 
> output.m3u8
> But succeeds when the stream is HLS/TS
> # ffmpeg -re -i "http://mypi:1984/api/stream.m3u8?src=picam_h264"; output.m3u8
> Any ideas on what is "special" about Bookworm/ffmpeg-5.1.4 that fails
> but just about any other version seems to succeed

Without a test stream to check, no. We'd need someway to reproduce the

Sebastian Ramacher

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