Hello, ...

As you may have noticed (or not) libc6 is in sarge this evening, but we
are not ready, i give here a quick status update :

update_output lists ocaml as a-37, which more or less means that 37
packages cause problems, or something such.

Anyway, it also lists the following packages, where i will first list
those i think are ok :

  libmlgtk-ocaml libmlgtk-ocaml-dev
  libpcre-ocaml libpcre-ocaml-dev
  libshell-ocaml libshell-ocaml-dev
  libzip-ocaml libzip-ocaml-dev

And now for the problematic ones, which may or not be problems :

  lablgl : liblablgl-ocaml liblablgl-ocaml-dev
  10 days, libglu (either xfree86 or mesa).
  xfree86 (RC + build failed on arm, alpha and m68k)
  mesa => libggi/libgii (1RC).

So, lablgl is built on all arches, but i uploaded it today, so it needs
10 days. Moreover, it needs a libglu, which is a package only provided
by recent xfree86 or mesa packages, which both have RC bugs and are not
ready to enter testing. I think i will upload a version tomorrow which
may fix these dependency problems, i hope.

  lablgtk : liblablgtk-ocaml liblablgtk-ocaml-dev
  lablgl, ...

Well, lablgtk needs lablgl, so ...

  libcamlimages-ocaml libcamlimages-ocaml-dev
  freetype (2 RC), lablgtk

libcamlimages needs lablgtk, but depends also on freetype2, which has 2
RC bugs, they may be being solved though.

  cameleon : zoggy libconfigwin-ocaml-dev
  arm: tetex-bin, imagemagick.

Well, cameleon needs lablgtk, and two arm dependencies which have not
yet been built. We need to investigate what is going on with the arm
autobuilder, and why those packages are not being built. (they did not

  libgdome2-ocaml libgdome2-ocaml-dev
  libgdome2-xslt-ocaml libgdome2-xslt-ocaml-dev
  liblablgtkmathview-ocaml liblablgtkmathview-ocaml-dev

Well, these all have RC bugs, but stefano has new packages which fix
them. We are waiting for the new release, and stefano's upload.

  postgresql (2RC bugs)

We need the new postgresql, which has two RC bugs open.

  libsdl-ocaml libsdl-ocaml-dev
  libsdl-ttf2.0-0 (hppa FTBFS RC bug, easy one, config.guess is outdated).

Well, this one doesn't seem all that difficult. i have not checked the
libsdl-ttf2.0-0 dependencies though.

Ok, that was a quick status report, i most assuredly did miss problems,
but if anyone has time to kill, or want something to do for next
weekends BSP, you can look at those RC bugs.

Another solution would be to aks for the removal of the problematic
packages from testing, so ocaml would enter testing, and the replacement
versions would enter testing also as they get ready.


Sven Luther

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