
On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 04:44:07PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 04:20:28PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
> > > I actually maintain it, and many of my other packages, with tla/Arch.  
> > > It's
> > > in my personal repository over at arch.debian.org.  Thanks for the
> > > offer, though.
> > Well, this means there are some ocaml related packages who are then in a
> > separate repository than the rest of the ocaml packages. I wonder if
> > this is a good thing.
> Yes, it is, or at least is not a bad thing. pkg-ocaml-maint is a
> repository just for collectively maintained packages or for maintainers
> that wants someone else to work on those packages.
> I've many packages on my laptop which are not on pkg-ocaml-maint and
> that's definitely not a problem. The same applies to John's package IMO.
> In the past I used to keep those packages also on pkg-ocaml-maint, but
> this turned out to be a problem due to syncing issues.

Well, i think you know my point of view... I think it is better to have
a main repository for all debian ocaml packages :
- if a problem arise in one package, that you need help from another DD,
  it is the best way to share effort ( i have some experienced syncing
  with Mr Edward -- was really easy ).
- if you are away, that some of us need to do some special things... it
  is better to have one working version ( for example i am used to
  inject watch file in debian/... I can do it on packages that doesn't
  belong to me, without the need to call every maintainer to say : hey
  it would be a good idea to do this or that ).
- it permits to hijack some package ( like the thing i will do next week
  : hijacking numerix ).

But i don't want to run a flameware, you can do what you want... 

I have just one question :
Which are the packages that are in pkg-ocaml-maint but you don't
maintain here anymore ? ( just to remove them )

And optionally :
What difficulties have you regarding svn ? ( at the beginning i think
you were a pro pkg-ocaml-maint )

> > Would it be possible for you to setup a tla -> svn mirroring or
> > something such ?
> This would be great, but only if John is willing to have someone also
> working on his packages, otherwise it's completely useless.
> > Or at least add a directory in the svn repository, and have a README
> > in there with instructions on how to access your archive ? 
> Why? Users have "apt-get source" and this is enough IMO.

No, i think it is a good idea to have a list of ocaml related package...
Just to know which ocaml related software are around....

Kind regard
Sylvain LE GALL

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