Le Friday 11 April 2008 20:51:33 Stéphane Glondu, vous avez écrit :
> Romain Beauxis wrote:
> > I would propose to use versioned depends inside each binary package
> > generated
> >
> > by ocaml, that means for instance:
> >> Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libx11-6, ocaml-base-nox-3.10.1
> >
> > replaced by
> >
> >> Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libx11-6, ocaml-base-nox (= 3.10.1)
> >
> > What do you think ?
> You didn't answer to Zack's question: why not just put an inequality
> instead of an equality in the dependency? And would your "(= 3.10.1)"
> match version "3.10.1-1~bpo40+1"? I'd rather put (>= 3.10.1-1~bpo40) or
> such.

These are internal dependencies between ocaml-base and ocaml-nox packages.
ocaml-base depends on ocaml-nox-3.10.1 and I propose to change it to strict 
versioned dependency since all these packages are built together, and also 
because >= 3.10.1 doesn't prevent 3.10.2 for instance.

Think the word peace means coming together ?
Peace is a diploma you get in the cementry
Seen ?
On top of your grave, that is marked:
"Here lies the body of John Strokes
Rest in Peace"
Seen ?
And I and I know many of you little brothers,
Who wouldn't like to hear your daughter say:
"Just going to give away a little peace"
A Bongo cliping ya no seen ?
So you can imagine how defective the word peace is,
Seen ?
 - Peter Tosh - Live at One Live Peace Concert '78

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