Control: tags -1 + pending

Le 04/08/2015 19:10, Valentin Lorentz a écrit :
> The attached patch removes extra timestamps from the generated
> documentation. Once applied, ocamldoc-generated manpages can be built
> reproducibly in our current experimental framework.

With your patch, ocaml FTBFS when SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is not set. The
problem is:

> +let current_date =
> +  let time =
> +    try
> +      float_of_string (Sys.getenv "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")
> +    with
> +      Sys_error _ -> Unix.time ()
> +  in string_of_date ~absolute: true ~hour: false time

Sys.getenv fails with Not_found when the environment variable does not

I've changed the “Sys_error _” with “Not_found” and applied the patch.



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