On 31/05/2016 17:49, Gangadhar wrote:
I am trying to connect remote side with Ipv6 address, but getting "bad
port" error.

./unison -sshargs "-o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o
StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o
ConnectTimeout=10 -o ConnectionAttempts=2 -o ServerAliveInterval=20 -o
ServerAliveCountMax=2" -servercmd unison -auto=true -batch=true -
confirmbigdel=false -fastcheck=true -group -owner -silent -times  -
ignore="Name {*~, Thumbs.db, *.tmp}" -ignore="Name TMP.*" /home/panniru/
Bad port '8a00:a000:1192::583'
Fatal error: Lost connection with the server

I am using unison-2.48.3 version.

Could some one help resolving this issue?

I'm afraid there is no provision for using directly an IPv6 address in Unison... at the moment. It doesn't look complicated to patch it, though. Also, you can set up an alias in your ~/.ssh/config (see Host/HostName in ssh_config manpage).



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