Stéphane Glondu pushed to branch master at Debian OCaml Maintainers / ocaml-csv

e11a1df3 by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T08:39:26Z
New upstream version 1.6
- - - - -
0da85295 by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T08:39:33Z
New upstream version 1.7
- - - - -
1aecea75 by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T08:39:39Z
New upstream version 2.0
- - - - -
70caf0aa by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T08:39:48Z
New upstream version 2.1
- - - - -
cc280889 by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T08:40:14Z
New upstream version 2.2
- - - - -
9117bea3 by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T08:40:14Z
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.2'

Update to upstream version '2.2'
with Debian dir 7b3e348c44b4adbb07df6c06033580ebd5f3da10
- - - - -
09e48bed by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T09:15:18Z
Update changelog

- - - - -
b7a4c350 by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T09:15:18Z
Remove obsolete README.source

- - - - -
dc3cb4ab by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T09:15:18Z
Bump debhelper compat level to 12

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df149eb5 by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T09:22:22Z
Update packaging

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34b1e25c by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T09:22:22Z
Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0

- - - - -
9900bd71 by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T09:22:22Z
Use secure URL in Format in debian/copyright

- - - - -
bade88ec by Stephane Glondu at 2019-08-03T09:22:22Z
Update changelog

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- .gitignore
- .merlin
- .travis.yml
- +
- LICENSE.txt →
- Makefile
- − _oasis
- −
- − _tags
- + config/dune
- + config/
- + csv-lwt.opam
- − csv.install
- opam/opam → csv.opam
- − debian/README.source
- debian/changelog
- debian/compat
- debian/control
- debian/copyright
- + debian/
- − debian/libcsv-ocaml-dev.ocamldoc
- debian/rules
- + dune-project
- examples/
- + examples/dune
- examples/
- + lwt/csv_lwt.mli

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