Le 18/06/2024 à 09:58, julien.pu...@gmail.com a écrit :
Just a quick rundown for now : - coq-doc fails but not coq... strange... needs to investigate
This is due to new warnings treated as error, the default behaviour of dune. This fixed by calling dune in --release mode (committed to git).
- coq-iris - a bad perl transition, re-try?
This looks like a bug in aptitude. I've just reported: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1073598
- coq-unimath - host couldn't take it, I'll have to try myself - coq-serapi - problem with the new yojson version, should be easy.
Waiting for your input. Cheers, -- Stéphane