I have an idea for an alternate method to give Mozilla access to the
MySpell dictionaries it can use:
As far as I understand the present method is:
A symlink
/usr/lib/mozilla/components/myspell -> /usr/share/myspell/dicts/
which makes all .aff and .dic files available to Mozilla.
To convince Mozilla to show something
else than e.g. en_GB in its menus symlinks like:
en-GB.aff -> en_GB.aff
are needed.
As I see it this method has the following problem:
In Mozilla's spell checking dialogue box all files in
with suffix .dic appear, even things Mozilla doesn't understand,
like en_GB, and can't use, like hyph_en_GB.
My idea is therefore to make
a real directory containing appropriately named symlinks e.g.:
/usr/lib/mozilla/components/myspell/en-GB.aff ->
This makes it possible to only show Mozilla the files it understands and
can use.
Comments ?
Hans Öfverbeck