retitle 509690 please don't depend on Java
severity 509690 wishlist
tag 509690 + wontfix


David Baron wrote:
> I have a sun-java-jre installed from Sun's runtime.
> I can no longer update openoffice packages because they seem to demand 
> Debians sun-java packages.

Wrong. It demands *ANY* JVM supported. jaca-gcj-compat does work too.
And so does openjdk.

> OpenOffice's java component runs off the Sun installation just fine as does 
> most all other java
> programs. I really do not need a duplicate installation.

And? Then tell the package systen using (equivs?) that you have Java already.
The package system in this case does not know that - it simply cant.

> I might be better to "recommend" the Debian packages rather than "require" 
> them.

And break the install for people who don't know that parts use Java?
And thus don't install them?

> (Switching involves change paths and switching Sun's netbeans over before 
> removing Sun's installation.)

Not my problem.

And OOo is not the only Java-using app depending on the JRE. Do you really
want all JVM-using packages to not depend on Java so that they don't work
out of the box when you install them)?

This hasn't changed from your post on debian-user where you got the same


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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