
On Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 05:44:37PM +0200, Emil Nowak wrote:
> > In what for a desktop is this? Doesn't look like GNOME3? (If, which theme?)
> > Can't be the default, given it works for me in sid with default adwaita(?),
> > and even in a (test)-5.2-jessie backport with jessies GNOME3....
> Hello Rene,
> I don't have any desktop here it is icewem window manager.

I per default assume people use Desktops since that is the higher number. :)
And you used -gtk3... (Which is a recommendation of -gnome but otherwise
would need to be manuall installed... Thus I wondered.)

> How can I check what gtk3 theme is used? 

Probably the default (adwaita) if you don't configure something.

Since you use icewm, why are you using -gtk3 at all? Did dou try with gtk2?
(libreoffice-gtk2, export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk)
Or even gen? (export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen)?

The "problem" here is that if you installed -gtk3 it immediately takes
precendence over "the rest".
See e.g. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=836531 but in
contrast to that bug we have no detection of icewm or some other "simple"
window managers and I am not sure we should remove gtk3 from the default
fallback list completely and add a new one for MATE/GNOME3 including it...



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