On Wed, Dec 06, 2017 at 06:41:38PM -0500, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> I don't think users want to create a mathematical formula just to
> create one, but to insert into a document so it makes more sense to
> start Math from within the other app. (Obviously, with an app used by

With that I agree. Above that you wrote:

> Instead of opening a Start Center, it makes more sense for a user to
> just open the app they want directly.

Or by calling "libreoffice". Which is - guess what - what
-startcenter.desktop does. :) And if people don't know what they want
and just want "LibreOffice" and then go to text document etc. from there?

> 3. Or, Split the .desktop and associated AppStream metadata to a
> separate binary package that can be optionally installed. Someone
> would need to write the AppStream file for Start Center. This is
> really nice because anyone can easily either have the .desktop
> launcher or not without needing to manually edit any text files.

That is already the case. the math desktop is in -math. No, it doesn't
belong (let alone because of NEW and the waste of whatever) in a even
more separate package.



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