On 28/08/2019 18.04, Rene Engelhard wrote:
[ Cc'ing the GCC maintainers ]


On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 03:47:50PM +0200, Sorin Manolache wrote:
When compiling a program with g++-9 (4:9.2.1-3) and linking with libcppunit
then I get a segfault if the program uses std::stack.


For example:

void f() {
     std::stack<std::string> s1;
     std::stack<unsigned int> s2;

     std::string str;
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(r.empty()); // segfault here

That isn't a complete testcase? r doesn't exist (did you mean str?) or
some of s1,s2 (empty stack)?

Does it only happen if you CPPUNT_ASSERT it or also on "normal"
std::stack usage? But I assume you file it here because it only happens
with cppunit?

Sorry, I cannot reproduce the problem any more. Maybe I had some weird combination of g++ packages/libs on my system that some upgrade resolved.

Anyway, here is the real test case:

#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>

class X {
        std::stack<std::string> s1;
        std::stack<unsigned int> s2;

main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        X *x = new X();
//      delete x;
        std::string r;
        return 0;

Both valgrind and gdb reported that the problem was in the destructor ~Message, called by CPPUNIT_ASSERT. Message contains a std::deque<std::string> and std::stack<T> is implemented by a std::deque<T>.

Anyway it was quite weird because it did not crash if I had just one stack in class X. I had to have two of them in order to have the crash.

std::stack alone, without cppunit, worked fine.

Anyway, as said, I cannot reproduce it any more. Sorry for the false alarm.

Best regards,

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