
Am 24.04.23 um 17:09 schrieb Dalton Durst:
The dependency chain in question looks something like this:

     Depends: libreoffice-core-nogui
     Recommends: libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql
         Depends: libreoffice-core
             Conflicts: libreoffice-core-nogui

Can libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql be used with libreoffice-core-nogui?

Maybe, if you get the connect string into there via some API call. No idea whether it is possible.

Or if it's referenced in a existing .odb..

so, should -sdbc-postgresql have an Or-relation between -core and
-core-nogui? Or, is there another more tenable solution for this case?

Yes, maybe it's just an oversight when -nogui was introduced.

I would at least think that if scripting some mailmerge having the actual driver for the database (if it's postgres) might make sense...



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