Hi all,

On my recent travels I met some very capable students/developers who are
keen to apply for the next Outreachy and GSoC programs.

I have the impression there are more capable applicants there than I
could mentor myself.

Are any other potential mentors or previous interns interested in
meeting any of them?

Some of them are already making plans to travel to events like FOSDEM,
one is even going as far as Japan for State of the Map in August.

There are also various events in the region and if anybody (mentor or
previous intern) wanted to go to an event there and give a talk or
participate in a sprint they could request travel funding from the DPL:

- hackathon for girls, Prizren, 18-20 August

- the FOSSCamp[1] in Syros, Greece, 31 August -

- Cryptoparty in Tirana[2], 30 September



1. https://forum.openlabs.cc/t/fosscamp-2017-syros-greece/459
2. https://forum.openlabs.cc/t/cryptoparty-day-openlabs-sept-2017/357

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