A few thoughts:

1) We have "too many" proposals for GSoC. They would like us to
highlight the 5 we're most excited about. In order to get a diversity of
ideas, I think each mentor who proposed more than one should select one
of their proposals.

2) I don't think an onboarding wizard is really an appropriate position
for a student/participant. It's outside the scope of GSoC (unless
they're developing technical tools for Debian). As for Outreachy, I, in
general, believe the funding would be better used on other projects.



On 01/23/2018 12:18 PM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've proposed a project for GSoC 2018 / Outreachy round 16 for an intern
> to create a "wizard" that helps onboard[1] new interns in future.
> Does anybody want to suggest specific requirements?  Please feel free to
> edit them into the wiki page.
> If anybody would like to co-mentor you would be very welcome too.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> 1.
> https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2018/Projects/WizardForStudentsAndNewInterns#preview

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