Hi Daniel,
Hi Manuel,
I would like to be a co-mentor for this project if we are still
looking for the same. I have previously worked with Debian as a GSoC

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:45 AM, Manuel Riel <m...@snapdragon.cc> wrote:
> I’ve asked my two other contributors who added relevant features in the past. 
> Will be in tough when they message back.
> My main city is Kuala Lumpur, but I regularly travel to Singapore, Thailand 
> and Austria/Germany. Taiwan and Hong Kong are also on the list for May/June.
>> On 21 Feb 2018, at 06:36, Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm starting this thread to track contact from potential interns and
>> mentors for this project in GSoC and Outreachy.
>> If you are interested as a student or mentor please feel free to reply
>> on this thread.  Projects won't go ahead without sufficient mentors so
>> if you or anybody you know may be interested in mentoring that would
>> help a lot.
>> Other members of the community are also welcome to reply to individual
>> students, for example, if you see a student in the city where you live
>> please feel free to invite them to a local event.
>> I'm embedding a link in the wiki with this thread ID so replies from
>> applicants should be threaded for everybody's convenience.
>> Full project details on the wiki[1].
>> Regards,
>> Daniel
>> 1.
>> https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2018/Projects#SummerOfCode2018.2FProjects.2FExtractingDataFromPDFInvoicesAndBills.Extracting_data_from_PDF_invoices_and_bills_for_financial_accounting


Pranav Jain

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