Dan! Thank you.

Seems there are a lot of us Dan's going around. (I go by Daniel but am
often referred to as Dan).

>Why do you thing that having a lead mentor would inhibit students from
>reaching out to the other mentors?  I don't think that student-mentors
>communication should be mediated by the leas mentor.

I'm going to run through two scenarios that we had run into at a repair
shop that I used to manage. Keep in mind that it was ABSOLUTELY critical in
this environment to have an inexperienced technician ASK QUESTIONS when
they were uncertain about a repair procedure. So, this environment differed
somewhat from the software engineering atmosphere where critical vehicle
systems are not involved, but important parallels can still be drawn.

In both scenarios, we'll assume the following two things (for simplicity):

=> There are two mentors and one apprentice
=> There is a clash of personalities between one of the mentors and the
apprentice that causes the apprentice discomfort (Maybe we can imagine a
mentor who scoffs/scorns at questions).
=> The apprentice is new to team dynamics

*Scenario 1:*

A new apprentice is assigned directly to the mentor with whom he/she is not
comfortable with. During their first interaction, the apprentice asks a
question that seemed obvious to the mentor, and the response is interpreted
by the apprentice as rude or degrading (even if it wasn't actually).
Because the technician was assigned to the mentor, they are more likely to
avoid asking important questions/engaging in the mentoring process to avoid
discomfort, and by the end of the first week is frustrated, uncomfortable
and most importantly has not asked critical questions of the mentor. The
apprentice does not go to the other mentor to ask questions because he's
been assigned to a mentor and does not want to offend his mentor by
circumventing him.

*Scenario 2:*

A new apprentice is introduced to both mentors and told that he is free to
ask either for help. He has the same experience with mentor 1 as he did in
the first scenario. He runs across a critical issue and feels more
comfortable approaching the other mentor. He goes and asks mentor 2 for
help. It happens that mentor 1 is the specialist in this area, so mentor 2
(who probably knows that mentor 1 has less than ideal social filters and a
temper) has a short conversation with both mentor 1 and the apprentice (in
a software team this conversation would be an email to both parties/CC)
simply saying "Hey, mentor 1, I noticed the apprentice is struggling with
this. What is you input on how he should move forward?" and hands the
conversation over to mentor 1. If the question that the apprentice had was
silly or obvious, the 2nd mentor can help filter that out, or help phrase
the problem for mentor 1.

The difference in time allocation isn't much, mentor 1 still handles the
issue when it's in his expertise. Often times (in software engineering and
automotive repair) mentor 1 is older, more skilled and less tolerant of
stupid questions, mentor 2 is not a rookie, but not an expert and is more
tolerant because he can still remember what it's like to be wet behind the
ears. In essence, in scenario 2, the apprentice was still assigned to
mentor 1. He just didn't KNOW he was assigned to mentor 1, to increase his
ability to ask questions freely and comfortably. This subtle distinction
helps increase learnability within a mentoring program (measurably in
automotive repair - it decreases apprentice technician turnover within
their first 6 months and more importantly decreases critical errors.

Let me be clear: It may not be necessary or beneficial to apply these
principals to software development teams because it ISN'T critical like it
would be if the apprentice was repairing your mother's brake system. But,
there is something to be said about being more comfortable learning and
participating in the process. It may be worth trying on a small scale to
see if it improves outcomes. It may turn out that it's not for other
reasons, as you stated.

ALSO worth noting, is that the discomfort with working with someone wears
off quickly once an apprentice is used to working in team dynamics. In
other words: if an new/rookie technician has already worked in team
environments, it's likely that this wouldn't be as important. I noticed
that with those who have no experience with teams, this piece is absolutely
critical for the first 1-3 months.

Sorry if I drew that out far past the subjects' worthiness. Happy coding to

Daniel Powell

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Daniele Nicolodi <dani...@grinta.net>

> On 17/03/2018 00:11, Daniel Powell wrote:
> > I wrote a blog post with some input about how to structure mentorship
> > teams from my experience as a service manager in automotive repair (of
> > all things). I put it into a blog post here:
> >
> > https://www.2kreate.com/index.html#Post-Mentorship
> Hi Daniel,
> I finally found the time to read you blog post [0].  I appreciate your
> point of view.  Quoting from your blog post:
> > I would, however, avoid assigning a mentor as a lead for a student
> > in this format. It makes the barrier for reaching out to the other
> > two mentors too high (especially for those who are relatively new to
> > a team dynamic).
> Why do you thing that having a lead mentor would inhibit students from
> reaching out to the other mentors?  I don't think that student-mentors
> communication should be mediated by the leas mentor.
> I think that having someone responsible for the project, in the
> "bookkeeping" sense, could be an advantage.  However, I'm mostly
> familiar with the mentoring/supervising in academic context, and not at
> all with the GSoC format, thus it may be the case that most things
> should happen by initiative of the students and mentors are not supposed
> to be actively checking over the progress of the project.
> Cheers,
> Dan
> [0] You have a typo in the post: s/ass/as/

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