On Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 06:37:04PM +0200, Nicolas Dandrimont wrote:
> When I was last involved, the breakdown was like this:
>  - Each Outreachy intern would be able to get US$500 for conference travel, 
> from 
>    Conservancy (so, in the end, from the sponsoring organization).

Not sure about Outreachy, but for GSoC:

>  - Each GSoC _organization_ would be able to get partial travel funding to 
> send
>    _one_ outstanding intern to a conference (iirc the amount was US$500 as 
> well).
>    This kind-of-prevents sending current interns to conferences: how can you 
> tell
>    an intern is outstanding before their internship has completed?
> GSoC organizations would also recieve a discretionary US$500 per accepted
> intern, which we usually considered as part of a travel budget for GSoC 
> interns
> _and mentors_.
> Finally, GSoC organizations get a US$2200 budget to send two mentors to the
> mentor summit.

These are still essentially correct.

The main change recently is that the funds aren't really delineated
now - the org gets $500 * N + $2200 + $500 paid without having to send
receipts for the mentor summit travel (or even send people to the mentor


Note that if evaluations are late, then you don't get all the money.
So it's important to make sure the evaluations are on time, especially
if you've already committed that money.


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