Hi, As I mentioned last week; this week I have downgraded the Kotlin project to Gradle 4.4.1. I also found out that I forgot to convert a build file in :buildSrc:preparedeps:intellij-sdk which was essential to building kotlin. So I converted that to groovy from kts as well. I tried to build kotlin using Sid Gradle 4.4.1 but couldn't due to this <https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-32213> error, for which I have opened an issue with kotlin upstream devs. I also made some changes to Gradle which I haven't made a merge request for, I did this so that I could use org.gradle.api.publish.ivy.internal.artifact.FileBasedIvyArtifact of Gradle. I haven't pushed the changes yet;(I had an assignment due this Monday night followed by a sudden Semester project meeting today).
I ll try to push these changes and setup a merge request asap and get kotin to build using sid Gradle in the upcoming weeks. Saif Abdul Cassim