Hello, This is what was learned and done this week:
1. Working on the "run crash issue" of the packaged `ckati` tool. Finishing with packaging. The result is here: https://salsa.debian.org/kt-guest/android-platform-build-kati-/commits/master 2. Working on packaging build-dependencies for `android.jar`: packaging `nist-sip` and `rappor`. The results are here: https://salsa.debian.org/kt-guest/android-platform-external-nist-sip/commits/master https://salsa.debian.org/kt-guest/android-platform-external-rappor/commits/master 3. Learning packaging Java source code with Java packaging tools for no build system 4. Improving my skills in working with: -`debian/rules` and `debian/copyright` files - patches (Quilt) - source code packages -- Katia