On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 01:05:13AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
> >>"Marcus" == Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Marcus> You're correct. The old prerm script is called before an
>  Marcus> update. This makes my analysis wrong indeed. The prerm
>  Marcus> scripts can go after the transition.  I apologize for giving
>  Marcus> this wrong information. However, the fact that it took
>  Marcus> literally weeks for someone to correct me shows that only few
>  Marcus> people cared to think the proposal through completely, if
>  Marcus> anybody at all.
>         I just can't let that pass. The reason no one corrected you is
>  that you, and a few others, shot down the proposal, and there was no
>  point flogging a dead horse. I admit that I left this process in
>  disgust then, since people were more interested in power plays,
>  apparently, than in discussing a solution. 

Mmmh. Anyway, even without you there would have been enough seconders to
point out my mistake. It was not my intent to shot down the proposal under
wrong assumptions (and it really surprised me how fast this happened),
and I would have withdrawn my formal objection if someone had pointed
out my mistake.

I think formal objections should not take effect immediately. It can't be
that we can shot down proposals within hours, when it takes at least two
weeks of discussion to amend one. The way formal objections were treated
this time, they appear to strong.

>  Marcus> Correct. I would like to see the proposal revived, with the
>         Wold it not have been better to talk first, and shoot
>  afterwards? At the moment, there is no provision for reviving
>  proposals that have been killed by formal objections. 

Of course you are right, and I apologize. My only excuse is that we are all
new to this. We have quite some experience with amending proposals now, but
this is the first time objections played an important role.

Maybe it is truely the case that this issue can not be handled rightfully
within the policy group. Maybe it just took an unfortunate course. I don't


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