On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 09:22:57PM +0100, Pedro Guerreiro wrote:
> > Permit/require use of bz2 for source packages (#39299)
> >   * Under discussion.
> >   * Proposed on 10 Jun 1999 by Chris Lawrence; seconded by Goswin
> >     Brederlow, Josip Rodin and Josip Rodin.
>                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Ok, ok, we know Josip want this. Boy, talk about making a point... :)))

With dpkg's experimental (and optional) sane support for bzip2, Joey can
count me as seconding this if Chris or the other supporters offer a sane
transition strategy that doesn't require all packages use bz2.  If a
package can be gotten bz2 upstream that's fine.  If not, I think pristine
source is more important.

Reasonable transition and encouragement to use bz2 is fine.  Require it
and I'll get annoyed.

- Joseph Carter         GnuPG public key:   1024D/DCF9DAB3, 2048g/3F9C2A43
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<Knghtbrd> Leave it to manoj to call procmail "puny"

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