On 02-Jul-00, 23:38 (CDT), "Thomas Bushnell, BSG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Specifically, because the files are conffiles, they are not removed
> when the package is removed, and so the files stay around to continue
> to affect the behavior of emacs.  This happened to me with the user-de
> and user-es packages, which I installed long ago, and long ago
> removed.  But the scripts they install have a bug on current emacs20,
> and because the scripts are conffiles, they didn't get deleted.

That's a bug. It's not a policy violation, but it's still a bug. 

IMO, we don't need to document every possible bug in policy. We *do*
need to make it clear to maintainers that "so-and-so doesn't violate
policy, so it's not a bug" is *not* a valid argument. There are lots
of bugs that don't violate policy (I don't think policy says anywhere
"though shalt not dump core", for example), so this should be obvious,
but apparently it's not.

And by the way, apt *does* support purge: apt-get --purge remove foo. 
(Hmm, it doesn't show up in "apt-get --help", only in the manpage.)


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