On 14-Dec-00, 17:20 (CST), Chris Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 01:09:33PM -0500, Susan G. Kleinmann wrote:
> > But I think we're all hoping that the FDL actually becomes common,
> > and putting it into the common-licenses directory is one step toward
> > making that happen.
> I would describe it more as putting the cart before the horse.
> At the moment, common-licenses is just that.  Licenses that _are_
> common.  Perhaps we can put FDL in:
> /usr/share/licences-we-hope-become-common-someday 

Normally I'd agree with this ("policy should follow practice"), except
for one possibility. It might be that some software/document writers
*look* in /usr/share/common-licenses and pick the one they like best[1].
So yes, it may be a "license we hope becomes common", but we could
perhaps help it along. And I don't see any real negative by having it


[1] Of course, reading debian-legal shows that most writers prefer to
make up their own crappy licenses that don't do what they think they do
and usually make things undistributable. Sigh.

Steve Greenland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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