On 27-Mar-01, 23:57 (CST), Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote: 
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 09:35:36AM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
> > Encouraging I could agree with, particularly when the check could be
> > automated against the Packages file. But even an automated check against
> > the maintainer scripts is not feasible for most people, and a lot of
> > checks are not possible to automate.
> A lot of checks are possible to automate: just have a look at lintian
> some time. 

Lintian has access to the entire package contents. I only have access
to the Packages file(s) and the contents of the packages that I've
installed locally. (Which would, admittedly, let me check pretty much
everything in standard and higher.) Hmmm, is there anywhere generally
available to Debian developers that has all the packages unpacked? So
that one could grep all the maintainer scripts or init.d scripts, for

I suspect I took your original suggestion as a proposed requirement,
which I think is unreasonable. As "it would be nice if people did this",
I have no objection, of course.


Steve Greenland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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