On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 09:59:24AM +0100, Bill Allombert wrote:
> 3.1) Provide an easy and reliable way to tell if the optional targets 
> are implemented.

And once that's there, clarify Policy to say what dpkg-buildpackage et al
will do: if optional targets are missing, do the old thing. If the optional
targets are there, do the new thing instead.

> The first is to add a debian/rules.version with meaning:
> debian/rules.version is present and is "1\n": build-arch and build-indep
> are implemented
> The second is to add a debian/rules.targets with the list of available
> optional targets.
> First solution is easier to implement.  Second one scale better but does
> not allow to revoke the meaning of a target.

Well, regardless of whether we pick versions or listing available targets,
why not do it with a new control file field in the source section?
That seems logical, and avoids creating a new file.

It's tangentially relevant that the .dsc and .changes files include a Format
field that is a version number. Having a "Rules-Format: 2" field in control
seems okay to me.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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