On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 12:36:15PM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> I object to making the packaging system more complex without a real gain.
> We should better document what "Build-Depends-Indep:" really mean:
> That which autobuilders do not need to install to produce Architecture: any
> packages via the clean, build and binary-arch targets only.

Without having functional, separate rules for building Arch: all packages,
there is limited gain in doing this.

> We could well keep Build-Depends-Indep: for things which are only used
> by the binary-indep target (which is how things really work today),
> and deprecate the build-arch and build-indep targets, since they have
> never been really useful.

The external dependencies are more often used in the build rules, rather
than the binary rules, I would think. Then again, maybe not. How about we
have someone collect some statistics? Have we had any statistics provided
back when this stuff initially entered the Policy manual?

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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