On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 01:40:29PM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Currently versions sort the following way:

> >> 1.2-3
> >> 1.2-3sarge1
> >> 1.2-3.0.1
> >> 1.2-3.1

> >> As you can see the binNMU sorts after the security release while it
> >> should be before it.

> >> I suggest one of two alternative schems for binNMUs:

> > A little late, I think; this was discussed something like a year ago on
> > debian-devel, and the conclusion was to use +b<num> for binNMUs.

> > And this has been implemented in dak, sbuild, and wanna-build as of last
> > week.

> The discussion also includes changing security versions to +s... to
> actualy fix the sorting problem:

> 1.2-3
> 1.2-3sarge1
> 1.2-3+b1
> 1.2-3.1

> The change to +b1 is only half the problem, the problem of the DAK to
> recognise binNMUs. It does not change the problem with security
> updates not getting installed.

True.  Practically speaking, the security team only needs to adopt the new
numbering scheme for security NMUS sometime before etch's release, since the
number of binNMUs done for *sarge* under the new versioning scheme will be
approximately zero.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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