On 11274 March 1977, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:

>> ---+++---
>> If the Maintainer address points to a mailing list then that list must
>> be configured to accept mail from those role accounts in Debian used to
>> send automated mails regarding the package. This includes mail from the
>> BTS, all mails from the archive software used on ftp-master as well as
>> other role accounts that are commonly agreed on to send automated mails
>> to the maintainers. a sample implementation of such a whitelist for
>> mailman is running on alioth.debian.org.
>> ---+++---

> Not sure about that. Indeed there're braindead people out there who like
> to forget about such things, but I'm not sure if a must clause in the
> policy helps against this.

It makes it much easier to file RC bugs against such packages and get
people to actually do something.

> Also there're well configured lists, with mailman coughing on random
> mails for no reason... Opening a mailing list for posts from
> non-subscribers in general is not a really something you want, thanks
> to the massive amount of spam you collect this way.

Where did I write "in general" - I do hate spam too, thats why this is
restricted to "open to role accounts", not "open to everyone".

bye Joerg
<elmo> if klecker.d.o died, I swear to god, I'm going to migrate to gentoo.

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