
On Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 12:11:47PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> This proposal asks that directories in /usr/local no longer be writable by
> group staff.
> There clearly was not consensus in this bug discussion for making this
> change, but neither am I comfortable as a Policy delegate with simply
> closing it, in part because those in favor of this change felt very
> strongly about it and in part because Ubuntu has made a different decision
> and implemented this change.  Debian need not follow Ubuntu, but where
> Ubuntu has decided to diverge, we should look at their rationale and
> consider it seriously.
> I'm therefore going to delegate this decision to the tech-ctte under
> points 1 and 3 of section 6.1 of the Debian Constitution.  I'm filing the
> bug against tech-ctte now.

The tech-ctte did decide on that matter.  What's the progress on this bug now?
Is there any action taken as a consequence of it?

Kind regards
Philipp Kern 

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