Russ Allbery <> writes:

> "... thus increases the possibility that will happen" sounds idiomatic to
> me.  (Usually in this context possibility is used in the singular.)
> However, even better here would be to avoid the pronoun entirely:

>     Taking them into account reduces the burden of integrating your
>     changes into the normal package workflow and thus increases the
>     possibility that integration will happen.

And, one more minor wording quibble, while "possibility" is not exactly
wrong in this context, it's a bit more typical in US English to say
"chances" here.

    Taking them into account reduces the burden of integrating your
    changes into the normal package workflow and thus increases the
    chances that integration will happen.

There's a subtle connotation difference.  Chances is a pure statement
about probability and likelihood, while possibility implies some question
of whether the integration can actually be performed or whether it may be

Russ Allbery (               <>

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