Hello folks,

I took some time today and wrote a first draft of a new section of Policy
documenting symbols files, and the revisions to shlibs for their
interaction.  Please review.  There's quite a lot of material here,
including details from dpkg-shlibdeps, dpkg-gensymbols, and deb-symbols
documentation as well as additional requirements and recommendations
around how to maintain the minimal-version field.

I tried sending a unified diff, but the new sections are largely
unreadable since they're intermixed with the old sections being removed.
Hence, for review purposes, here are the symbols and shlibs sections in
their entirety, followed by a diff for the changes elsewhere in Policy.
You can also refer to branch bug571776-rra in the Policy repository.

      <sect id="sharedlibs-symbols">
        <heading>Dependencies between the library and other packages -
        the <tt>symbols</tt> system</heading>

          If a package contains a binary or library which links to a
          shared library, we must ensure that, when the package is
          installed on the system, all of the libraries needed are also
          installed.  These dependencies must be added to the binary
          package when it is built, since they may change based on which
          version of a shared library the binary or library was linnked
          with.  To allow these dependencies to be constructed, shared
          libraries must provide either a <file>symbols</file> file or
          a <file>shlibs</file> file, which provide information on the
          package dependencies required to ensure the presence of this
          library.  Any package which uses a shared library must use these
          files to determine the required dependencies when it is built.

          <file>shlibs</file> files were the original mechanism for
          handling library dependencies.  They are documented
          in <ref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">.  <file>symbols</file> files,
          documented in this section, are recommended for most packages,
          since they provide dependency information for each exported
          symbol and therefore generate more accurate dependencies for
          binaries that do not use symbols from newer versions of the
          shared library.  However, <file>shlibs</file> files must be used
          for udebs.  Packages which provide a <file>symbols</file> file
          are not required to provide a <file>shlibs</file> file.

          When a package that contains any shared libraries or compiled
          binaries is built, it must run <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> on
          each shared library and compiled binary to determine the
          libraries used and hence the dependencies needed by the
            <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> will use a program
            like <prgn>objdump</prgn> or <prgn>readelf</prgn> to find the
            libraries and the symbols in those libraries directly needed
            by the binaries or shared libraries in the package.

          We say that a binary <tt>foo</tt> <em>directly</em> uses a
          library <tt>libbar</tt> if it is explicitly linked with that
          library (that is, the library is listed in the
          ELF <tt>NEEDED</tt> attribute, caused by adding <tt>-lbar</tt>
          to the link line when the binary is created).  Other libraries
          that are needed by <tt>libbar</tt> are
          linked <em>indirectly</em> to <tt>foo</tt>, and the dynamic
          linker will load them automatically when it
          loads <tt>libbar</tt>.  A package should depend on the libraries
          it directly uses, but not the libraries it indirectly uses.  The
          dependencies for those libraries will automatically pull in the
          other libraries.  <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> will handle this
          logic automatically, but package maintainers need to be aware of
          this distinction between directly and indirectly using a library
          if they have to override its results for some reason.
            A good example of where this helps is the following.  We could
            update <tt>libimlib</tt> with a new version that supports a
            new graphics format called dgf (but retaining the same major
            version number) and depends on <tt>libdgf</tt>.  If we
            used <prgn>ldd</prgn> to add dependencies for every library
            directly or indirectly linked with a binary, every package
            that uses <tt>libimlib</tt> would need to be recompiled so it
            would also depend on <tt>libdgf</tt> or it wouldn't run due to
            missing symbols.  Since dependencies are only added based on
            ELF <tt>NEEDED</tt> attribute, packages
            using <tt>libimlib</tt> can rely on <tt>libimlib</tt> itself
            having the dependency on <tt>libdgf</tt> and so they would not
            need rebuilding.

          In the following sections, we will first describe where the
          various <file>symbols</file> files are to be found, then how to
          use <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>, and finally
          the <file>symbols</file> file format and how to create them if
          your package contains a shared library.

        <sect1 id="symbols-paths">
          <heading>The <file>symbols</file> files present on the

            <file>symbols</file> files for a shared library are normally
            provided by the shared library package, but there are several
            override paths that are checked first in case that information
            is wrong or missing.  The following list gives them in the
            order in which they are read by <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>
            The first one that contains the required information is used.

                  During the package build, if the package itself contains
                  shared libraries with <file>symbols</file> files, they
                  will be generated in these staging directories
                  by <prgn>dpkg-gensymbols</prgn>.  <file>symbols</file>
                  files found in the build tree take precedence
                  over <file>symbols</file> files from other binary

                  These files must exist
                  before <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> is run or the
                  dependencies of binaries and libraries from a source
                  package on other libraries from that same source package
                  will not be correct.  In practice, this means
                  that <prgn>dpkg-gensymbols</prgn> must be run
                  before <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> during the package
                    An example may clarify.  Suppose the source
                    package <tt>foo</tt> generates two binary
                    packages, <tt>libfoo2</tt> and <tt>foo-runtime</tt>.
                    When building the binary packages, the contents of the
                    packages are staged in the
                    directories <file>debian/libfoo2</file>
                    and <file>debian/foo-runtime</file> respectively.
                    (<file>debian/tmp</file> could be used instead of one
                    of these.)  Since <tt>libfoo2</tt> provides
                    the <tt>libfoo</tt> shared library, it will contain
                    a <tt>symbols</tt> file, which will be installed
                    in <file>debian/libfoo2/DEBIAN/symbols</file>,
                    eventually to be included as a control file in that
                    package.  When <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> is run on
                    executable <file>debian/foo-runtime/usr/bin/foo-prog</file>,
                    it will examine
                    the <file>debian/libfoo2/DEBIAN/symbols</file> file to
                    determine whether <tt>foo-prog</tt>'s library
                    dependencies are satisfied by any of the libraries
                    provided by <tt>libfoo2</tt>.  Since those binaries
                    were linked against the just-built shared library as
                    part of the build process, the <file>symbols</file>
                    file for the newly-built <tt>libfoo2</tt> must take
                    precedence over a <file>symbols</file> file for any
                    other <tt>libfoo2</tt> package already installed on
                    the system.

                  and <file>/etc/dpkg/symbols/<var>package</var>.symbols</file>

                  Per-system overrides of shared library dependencies.
                  These files normally do not exist.  They are maintained
                  by the local system administrator and must not be
                  created by any Debian package.

                <p><file>symbols</file> control files for packages
                installed on the system</p>

                  The <file>symbols</file> control files for all the
                  packages currently installed on the system are searched
                  last.  This will be the most common source of shared
                  library dependency information.  These are normally
                  found in <file>/var/lib/dpkg/info/*.symbols</file>, but
                  packages should not rely on this and instead should
                  use <tt>dpkg-query --control-path <var>package</var>
                  symbols</tt> if for some reason these files need to be

            Be aware that if a <file>debian/shlibs.local</file> exists in
            the source package, it will override any <file>symbols</file>
            files.  This is the only case where a <file>shlibs</file> is
            used despite <file>symbols</file> files being present.  See
            <ref id="shlibs-paths"> and <ref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">
            for more information.

        <sect1 id="dpkg-shlibdeps">
          <heading>How to use <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> and the
            <tt>symbols</tt> files</heading>

            If your package contains any compiled binaries or shared
            libraries, put a call to <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> into
            your <file>debian/rules</file> file in the source package.
            List all of the compiled binaries, libraries, or loadable
            modules in your package.  If your source package builds only a
            single binary package that contains only compiled binaries and
            libraries (but no scripts) and is not multiarch, you can use a
            command such as:
            <example compact="compact">
dpkg-shlibdeps debian/tmp/usr/bin/* debian/tmp/usr/sbin/* \
            but normally finding all of the binaries is more
              The easiest way to do this is to use a package helper
              framework such as <tt>debhelper</tt>.  If you are
              using <tt>debhelper</tt>, the <prgn>dh_shlibdeps</prgn>
              program will do this work for you.  It will also correctly
              handle multi-binary packages.

            This command puts the dependency information into
            the <file>debian/substvars</file> file, which is then used
            by <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn>.  You will need to place
            a <tt>${shlibs:Depends}</tt> variable in the <tt>Depends</tt>
            field in the control file of every binary package built by
            this source package that contains compiled binaries,
            libraries, or loadable modules.  If you have multiple binary
            packages, you will need to call <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> on
            each one which contains compiled libraries or binaries, using
            the <tt>-T</tt> option to the <tt>dpkg</tt> utilities to
            specify a different <file>substvars</file> file for each
            binary package.<footnote>
              Again, <prgn>dh_shlibdeps</prgn>
              and <prgn>dh_gencontrol</prgn> will handle all of this for
              you if you're using <tt>debhelper</tt>.

            For more details on <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>,
            see <manref name="dpkg-shlibdeps" section="1">.

        <sect1 id="symbols">
          <heading>The <file>symbols</file> File Format</heading>

            The following documents the format of the <file>symbols</file>
            control file as included in binary packages.  These files are
            built from template <file>symbols</file> files in the source
            package by <prgn>dpkg-gensymbols</prgn>.  The template files
            support a richer syntax that
            allows <prgn>dpkg-gensymbols</prgn> to do some of the tedious
            work involved in maintaining <file>symbols</file> files, such
            as handling C++ symbols or optional symbols that may not exist
            on particular architectures.  When
            writing <file>symbols</file> files for a shared library
            package, refer to <manref name="dpkg-gensymbols" section="1">
            for the richer syntax.

            A <file>symbols</file> may contain one or more entries, one
            for each shared library contained in the package corresponding
            to that <file>symbols</file>.  Each entry has the following

<var>library-soname</var> <var>main-dependency-template</var>
[ | <var>alternative-dependency-template</var> ]
[ ... ]
[ * <var>field-name</var>: <var>field-value</var> ]
[ ... ]
 <var>symbol</var> <var>minimal-version</var>[ 
<var>id-of-dependency-template</var> ]

            To explain this format, we'll use the the <tt>zlib1g</tt>
            package as an example, which (at the time of writing) installs
            the shared library <file>/usr/lib/libz.so.</file>.
            Mandatory lines will be described first, followed by optional

            <var>library-soname</var> must contain exactly the value of
            the ELF <tt>SONAME</tt> attribute of the shared library.  In
            our example, this is <tt>libz.so.1</tt>.<footnote>
              This can be determined by using the command
              <example compact="compact">
readelf -d /usr/lib/libz.so. | grep SONAME

            <var>main-dependency-template</var> has the same syntax as a
            dependency field in a binary package control file, except that
            the string <tt>#MINVER#</tt> is replaced by a version
            restriction like <tt>(>= <var>version</var>)</tt> or by
            nothing if an unversioned dependency is deemed sufficient.
            The version restriction will be based on which symbols from
            the shared library are referenced and the version at which
            they were introduced (see below).  In nearly all
            cases, <var>main-dependency-template</var> will
            be <tt><var>package</var> #MINVER#</tt>,
            where <var>package</var> is the name of the binary package
            containing the shared library.  This adds a simple,
            possibly-versioned dependency on the shared library package.
            In some rare cases, such as when multiple packages provide the
            same shared library ABI, the dependency template may need to
            be more complex.

            In our example, the first line of
            the <tt>zlib1g</tt> <file>symbols</file> file would be:
            <example compact="compact">
libz.so.1 zlib1g #MINVER#

            Each public symbol exported by the shared library must have a
            corresponding symbol line, indented by one
            space.  <var>symbol</var> is the exported symbol (which, for
            C++, means the mangled symbol) followed by <tt>@</tt> and the
            symbol version, or the string <tt>Base</tt> if there is no
            symbol version.  <var>minimal-version</var> is the most recent
            version of the shared library that changed the behavior of
            that symbol, whether by adding it, changing its function
            signature (the parameters, their types, or the return type),
            or its behavior in a way that is visible to a
            caller.  <var>id-of-dependency-template</var> is an optional
            field that references
            an <var>alternative-dependency-template</var>; see below for a
            full description.

            For example, <tt>libz.so.1</tt> contains the
            symbols <tt>compress</tt>
            and <tt>compressBound</tt>.  <tt>compress</tt> has no symbol
            version and last changed its behavior in upstream
            version <tt>1:1.1.4</tt>.  <tt>compressBound</tt> has the
            symbol version <tt>ZLIB_1.2.0</tt>, was introduced in upstream
            version <tt>1:1.2.0</tt>, and has not changed its behavior.
            Its <file>symbols</file> file therefore contains the lines:
            <example compact="compact">
 compress@Base 1:1.1.4
 compressBound@ZLIB_1.2.0 1:1.2.0
            Packages using only <tt>compress</tt> would then get a
            dependency of <tt>zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)</tt>, but packages
            using <tt>compressBound</tt> would get a dependency
            of <tt>zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.0)</tt>.

            One or more <var>alternative-dependency-template</var> lines
            may be provided.  These are used in cases where some symbols
            in the shared library should use one dependency template while
            others should use a different template.  The alternative
            dependency templates are used only if a symbol line contains
            the <var>id-of-dependency-template</var> field.  The first
            alternative dependency template is numbered 1, the second 2,
            and so forth.<footnote>
              An example of where this may be needed is with a library
              that implements the libGL interface.  All GL implementations
              provide the same set of base interfaces, and then may
              provide some additional interfaces only used by programs
              that require that specific GL implementation.  So, for
              example, libgl1-mesa-glx may use the
              following <file>symbols</file> file:
libGL.so.1 libgl1
| libgl1-mesa-glx #MINVER#
 publicGlSymbol@Base 6.3-1
 implementationSpecificSymbol@Base 6.5.2-7 1
              Binaries or shared libraries using
              only <tt>publicGlSymbol</tt> would depend only
              on <tt>libgl1</tt> (which may be provided by multiple
              packages), but ones
              using <tt>implementationSpecificSymbol</tt> would get a
              dependency on <tt>libgl1-mesa-glx (>= 6.5.2-7)</tt>

            Finally, the entry for the library may contain one or more
            metadata fields.  Currently, the only
            supported <var>field-name</var>
            is <tt>Build-Depends-Package</tt>, whose value lists
            the <qref id="sharedlibs-dev">library development
            package</qref> on which packages using this shared library
            declare a build dependency.  If this field is
            present, <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> uses it to ensure that
            the resulting binary package dependency on the shared library
            is at least as strict as the source package dependency on the
            shared library development package.<footnote>
              This field should normally not be necessary, since if the
              behavior of any symbol has changed, the corresponding
              symbol <var>minimal-version</var> should have been
              increased.  But including it makes the <tt>symbols</tt>
              system more robust by tightening the dependency in cases
              where the package using the shared library specifically
              requires at least a particular version of the shared library
              development package for some reason.
            For our example, the <tt>zlib1g</tt> <file>symbols</file> file
            would contain:
            <example compact="compact">
 * Build-Depends-Package: zlib1g-dev
            (Don't forget the leading space.)

            Also see <manref name="deb-symbols" section="5">.

        <sect1 id="providing-symbols">
          <heading>Providing a <file>symbols</file> file</heading>

            If your package provides a shared library, you should arrange
            to include a <file>symbols</file> control file following the
            format described above in that package.  You must include
            either a <file>symbols</file> control file or
            a <file>shlibs</file> control file.

            Normally, this is done by creating a <file>symbols</file> in
            the source package
            named <file>debian/<var>package</var>.symbols</file>
            or <file>debian/symbols</file>, possibly
            with <file>.<var>arch</var></file> appended if the symbols
            information varies by architecture.  This file may use the
            extended syntax documented
            in <manref name="dpkg-gensymbols" section="1">.  Then,
            call <prgn>dpkg-gensymbols</prgn> as part of the package build
            process.  It will create <file>symbols</file> files in the
            package staging area based on the binaries and libraries in
            the package staging area and the <file>symbols</file> files in
            the source package.<footnote>
              If you are
              using <tt>debhelper</tt>, <prgn>dh_makeshlibs</prgn> will
              take care of calling either <prgn>dpkg-gensymbols</prgn>
              or generating a <file>shlibs</file> file as appropriate.

            Packages that provide <file>symbols</file> files must keep
            them up-to-date to ensure correct dependencies in packages
            that use the shared libraries.  This means updating
            the <file>symbols</file> file whenever a new public symbol is
            added, changing the <var>minimal-version</var> field whenever
            a symbol changes behavior or signature, and changing
            the <var>library-soname</var>
            and <var>main-dependency-template</var>, and probably all of
            the <var>minimal-version</var> fields, when the library
            changes <tt>SONAME</tt>.  Removing a public symbol from
            the <file>symbols</file> file because it's no longer provided
            by the library normally requires changing the <tt>SONAME</tt>
            of the library.  See <ref id="sharedlibs-runtime">.

            Special care should be taken in updating
            the <var>minimal-version</var> field when the behavior of a
            public symbol changes.  This is easy to neglect, since there
            is no automated method of determining such changes, but
            failing to update <var>minimal-version</var> in this case may
            result in binary packages with too-weak dependencies that will
            fail at runtime, possibly in ways that can cause security
            vulnerabilities.  If the package maintainer believes that a
            symbol behavior change may have occurred but isn't sure, it's
            safer to update the <var>minimal-version</var> of all possibly
            affected symbols to the current upstream version rather than
            leave them unmodified.  This may result in unnecessarily
            strict dependencies, but it ensures that packages whose
            dependencies are satisfied will work properly.

            A common example of when a change
            to <var>minimal-version</var> is required is a function that
            takes an enum or struct argument that controls what the
            function does.  For example:
enum library_op { OP_FOO, OP_BAR };
int library_do_operation(enum library_op);
            If a new operation, <tt>OP_BAZ</tt>, is added,
            the <var>minimal-version</var>
            of <tt>library_do_operation</tt> must be increased to the
            version at which <tt>OP_BAZ</tt> was introduced.  Otherwise, a
            binary built against the new version of the library (having
            detected at compile-time that the library
            supports <tt>OP_BAZ</tt>) may be installed with a shared
            library that doesn't support <tt>OP_BAZ</tt> and will fail at
            runtime when it tries to pass <tt>OP_BAZ</tt> into this

            The <var>minimal-version</var> field normally should not
            contain the Debian revision of the package, since the library
            behavior is normally fixed for a particular upstream version
            and any Debian packaging of that upstream version will have
            the same behavior.  In the rare case that the library behavior
            was changed in a particular Debian revision,
            appending <tt>~</tt> to the end of
            the <var>minimal-version</var> that includes the Debian
            revision is recommended, since this allows backports of the
            shared library package using the normal backport versioning
            convention to satisfy the dependency.

      <sect id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">
        <heading>Dependencies between the library and other packages -
        the <tt>shlibs</tt> system</heading>

          The <tt>shlibs</tt> system is an alternative to
          the <tt>symbols</tt> system for declaring dependencies for
          shared libraries.  It predated the <tt>symbols</tt> system and
          is therefore frequently seen in older packages.  It is also
          required for udebs, which do not support <tt>symbols</tt>.

          <file>shlibs</file> files do not provide as detailed of
          information as <file>symbols</file> files.  They only provide
          information about the library as a whole, not individual
          symbols, and therefore have to force tighter dependencies since
          they have no way of relaxing dependencies for binaries and
          libraries that only use symbols whose behavior has not changed.
          Because of this, and because of some problems with
          how <file>shlibs</file> files represent the
          library <tt>SONAME</tt>, <file>symbols</file> files are
          recommended instead for any shared library package that isn't a

          In the following sections, we will first describe where the
          various <file>shlibs</file> files are to be found, then how to
          use <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>, and finally
          the <file>shlibs</file> file format and how to create them if
          your package contains a shared library.  Much of the information
          about <file>shlibs</file> files is the same as
          for <file>symbols</file> files, so only the differences will be

        <sect1 id="shlibs-paths">
          <heading>The <file>shlibs</file> files present on the

            There are several places where <tt>shlibs</tt> files are
            found.  The following list gives them in the order in which
            they are read by <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>.  (The first one
            which gives the required information is used.)

                  This lists overrides for this package.  This file should
                  normally not be used, but may be needed temporarily in
                  unusual situations to work around bugs in other
                  packages, or in unusual cases where the normally
                  declared dependency information in the
                  installed <file>shlibs</file> file for a library cannot
                  be used.  This file overrides information obtained from
                  any other source.


                  This lists global overrides.  This list is normally
                  empty.  It is maintained by the local system

                <p><file>DEBIAN/shlibs</file> files in the "build

                  When packages are being built,
                  any <file>debian/shlibs</file> files are copied into the
                  control information file area of the temporary build
                  directory and given the name <file>shlibs</file>.  These
                  files give details of any shared libraries included in
                  the same package.

                <p><file>shlibs</file> control files for packages
                  installed on the system</p>

                  The <file>shlibs</file> control files for all the
                  packages currently installed on the system.  These are
                  normally found
                  in <file>/var/lib/dpkg/info/*.symbols</file>, but
                  packages should not rely on this and instead should
                  use <tt>dpkg-query --control-path <var>package</var>
                  shlibs</tt> if for some reason these files need to be


                  This file lists any shared libraries whose packages have
                  failed to provide correct <file>shlibs</file> files.  It
                  was used when the <file>shlibs</file> setup was first
                  introduced, but it is now normally empty.  It is
                  maintained by the <tt>dpkg</tt> maintainer.

            If a <file>symbols</file> file for a shared library package
            is available, <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> will always use it
            in preference to a <file>shlibs</file>, with the exception
            of <file>debian/shlibs.local</file>.  The latter overrides any
            other <file>shlibs</file> or <file>symbols</file> files.

          <heading>How to use <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> and the
            <file>shlibs</file> files</heading>

            Use of <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> with <file>shlibs</file>
            files is generally the same as with <file>symbols</file>
            files.  See <ref id="dpkg-shlibdeps">.

            If you are creating a udeb for use in the Debian Installer,
            you will need to specify that <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>
            should use the dependency line of type <tt>udeb</tt> by
            adding the <tt>-tudeb</tt> option<footnote>
              <prgn>dh_shlibdeps</prgn> from the <tt>debhelper</tt> suite
              will automatically add this option if it knows it is
              processing a udeb.
            </footnote>. If there is no dependency line of
            type <tt>udeb</tt> in the <file>shlibs</file>
            file, <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> will fall back to the
            regular dependency line.

        <sect1 id="shlibs">
          <heading>The <file>shlibs</file> File Format</heading>

            Each <file>shlibs</file> file has the same format.  Lines
            beginning with <tt>#</tt> are considered to be comments and
            are ignored.  Each line is of the form:
            <example compact="compact">
[<var>type</var>: ]<var>library-name</var> <var>soname-version</var> 
<var>dependencies ...</var>

            We will explain this by reference to the example of the
            <tt>zlib1g</tt> package, which (at the time of writing)
            installs the shared
            library <file>/usr/lib/libz.so.</file>.

            <var>type</var> is an optional element that indicates the type
            of package for which the line is valid. The only type
            currently in use is <tt>udeb</tt>.  The colon and space after
            the type are required.

            <var>library-name</var> is the name of the shared library, in
            this case <tt>libz</tt>.  (This must match the name part of
            the soname, see below.)

            <var>soname-version</var> is the version part of the
            ELF <tt>SONAME</tt> attribute of the library.
            The <tt>SONAME</tt> is the thing that must exactly match for
            the library to be recognized by the dynamic linker, and is
            usually of the
            form <tt><var>name</var>.so.<var>major-version</var></tt>, in
            our example, <tt>libz.so.1</tt>.
            The version part is the part which comes after
            <tt>.so.</tt>, so in our case, it is <tt>1</tt>.  The soname
            may instead be of the
            form <tt><var>name</var>-<var>major-version</var>.so</tt>,
            such as <tt>libdb-5.1.so</tt>, in which case the name would
            be <tt>libdb</tt> and the version would be <tt>5.1</tt>.

            <var>dependencies</var> has the same syntax as a dependency
            field in a binary package control file.  It should give
            details of which packages are required to satisfy a binary
            built against the version of the library contained in the
            package.  See <ref id="depsyntax"> for details.

            In our example, if the last change to the <tt>zlib1g</tt>
            package that could change behavior for a client of that
            library was in version <tt>1:</tt>, then
            the <tt>shlibs</tt> entry for this library could say:
            <example compact="compact">
libz 1 zlib1g (>= 1:
            This version restriction must be new enough that any binary
            built against the current version of the library will work
            with any version of the shared library that satisfies that

            As zlib1g also provides a udeb containing the shared library,
            there would also be a second line:
            <example compact="compact">
udeb: libz 1 zlib1g-udeb (>= 1:

          <heading>Providing a <file>shlibs</file> file</heading>

            If your package provides a shared library, you need to create
            a <file>shlibs</file> file following the format described
            above.  It is usual to call this
            file <file>debian/shlibs</file> (but if you have multiple
            binary packages, you might want to call
            it <file>debian/<var>package</var>.shlibs</file> instead).
            Then let <file>debian/rules</file> install it in the control
            information file area:
            <example compact="compact">
install -m644 debian/shlibs debian/tmp/DEBIAN
            or, in the case of a multi-binary package:
            <example compact="compact">
install -m644 debian/<var>package</var>.shlibs 
            An alternative way of doing this is to create
            the <file>shlibs</file> file in the control information file
            area directly from <file>debian/rules</file> without using
            a <file>debian/shlibs</file> file at all,<footnote>
              This is what <prgn>dh_makeshlibs</prgn> in
              the <package>debhelper</package> suite does. If your package
              also has a udeb that provides a shared
              library, <prgn>dh_makeshlibs</prgn> can automatically
              generate the <tt>udeb:</tt> lines if you specify the name of
              the udeb with the <tt>--add-udeb</tt> option.
            since the <file>debian/shlibs</file> file itself is ignored by

            Since <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> reads
            the <file>DEBIAN/shlibs</file> files in all of the binary
            packages being built from this source package, all of
            the <file>DEBIAN/shlibs</file> files should be installed
            before <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> is called on any of the
            binary packages.

diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml
index 79281e9..cca4b6d 100644
--- a/policy.sgml
+++ b/policy.sgml
@@ -840,10 +840,11 @@
        Among those files are the package maintainer scripts
        and <file>control</file>, the <qref id="binarycontrolfiles">binary
        package control file</qref> that contains the control fields for
-       the package.  Other control information files
-       include <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">the <file>shlibs</file>
-       file</qref> used to store shared library dependency information
-       and the <file>conffiles</file> file that lists the package's
+       the package.  Other control information files include
+       the <qref id="sharedlibs-symbols"><file>symbols</file> file</qref>
+       or <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps"><file>shlibs</file> file</qref>
+       used to store shared library dependency information and
+       the <file>conffiles</file> file that lists the package's
        configuration files (described in <ref id="config-files">).
@@ -5521,9 +5522,9 @@ Replaces: mail-transport-agent
          linked against the old shared library.  Correct versioning of
          dependencies on the newer shared library by binaries that use
          the new interfaces is handled via
-         the <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps"><tt>shlibs</tt>
-         system</qref> or via symbols files (see
-         <manref name="deb-symbols" section="5">).
+         the <qref id="sharedlibs-symbols"><tt>symbols</tt> system</qref>
+         or the <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps"><tt>shlibs</tt>
+         system</qref>.
@@ -7702,8 +8153,9 @@ INSTALL = install -s # (or use strip on the files in 
           Although not enforced by the build tools, shared libraries
           must be linked against all libraries that they use symbols from
           in the same way that binaries are.  This ensures the correct
-          functioning of the <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">shlibs</qref>
-          system and guarantees that all libraries can be safely opened
+          functioning of the <qref id="sharedlibs-symbols">symbols</qref>
+         and <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">shlibs</qref>
+          systems and guarantees that all libraries can be safely opened
           with <tt>dlopen()</tt>.  Packagers may wish to use the gcc
           option <tt>-Wl,-z,defs</tt> when building a shared library.
           Since this option enforces symbol resolution at build time,
@@ -10481,89 +10933,6 @@ END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
-       <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-shlibdeps">
-         <heading>
-           <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> - calculates shared library
-           dependencies
-         </heading>
-         <p>
-           This program is usually called from <file>debian/rules</file>
-           just before <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> (see <ref
-           id="pkg-sourcetree">), in the top level of the source tree.
-         </p>
-         <p>
-           Its arguments are executables and shared libraries
-           <footnote>
-             <p>
-               They may be specified either in the locations in the
-               source tree where they are created or in the locations
-               in the temporary build tree where they are installed
-               prior to binary package creation.
-             </p>
-           </footnote> for which shared library dependencies should
-           be included in the binary package's control file.
-         </p>
-         <p>
-           If some of the found shared libraries should only
-           warrant a <tt>Recommends</tt> or <tt>Suggests</tt>, or if
-           some warrant a <tt>Pre-Depends</tt>, this can be achieved
-           by using the <tt>-d<var>dependency-field</var></tt> option
-           before those executable(s).  (Each <tt>-d</tt> option
-           takes effect until the next <tt>-d</tt>.)
-         </p>
-         <p>
-           <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> does not directly cause the
-           output control file to be modified.  Instead by default it
-           adds to the <file>debian/substvars</file> file variable
-           settings like <tt>shlibs:Depends</tt>.  These variable
-           settings must be referenced in dependency fields in the
-           appropriate per-binary-package sections of the source
-           control file.
-         </p>
-         <p>
-           For example, a package that generates an essential part
-           which requires dependencies, and optional parts that 
-           which only require a recommendation, would separate those
-           two sets of dependencies into two different fields.<footnote>
-               At the time of writing, an example for this was the
-               <package/xmms/ package, with Depends used for the xmms
-               executable, Recommends for the plug-ins and Suggests for
-               even more optional features provided by unzip.
-           </footnote>
-            It can say in its <file>debian/rules</file>:
-           <example>
-  dpkg-shlibdeps -dDepends <var>program anotherprogram ...</var> \
-                 -dRecommends <var>optionalpart anotheroptionalpart</var>
-           </example>
-           and then in its main control file <file>debian/control</file>:
-           <example>
-  <var>...</var>
-  Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
-  Recommends: ${shlibs:Recommends}
-  <var>...</var>
-           </example>
-         </p>
-         <p>
-           Sources which produce several binary packages with
-           different shared library dependency requirements can use
-           the <tt>-p<var>varnameprefix</var></tt> option to override
-           the default <tt>shlibs:</tt> prefix (one invocation of
-           <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> per setting of this option).
-           They can thus produce several sets of dependency
-           variables, each of the form
-           <tt><var>varnameprefix</var>:<var>dependencyfield</var></tt>,
-           which can be referred to in the appropriate parts of the
-           binary package control files.
-         </p>
-       </sect1>
        <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-distaddfile">
            <prgn>dpkg-distaddfile</prgn> - adds a file to

Russ Allbery (r...@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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