On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 02:08:05PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> It's been a while since the last update to this thread and proposed
> wording about the special version numbering conventions in use in Debian,
> and in the meantime things have settled out a bit more and we have a
> pretty firm consensus on how to handle special versions.  I'd therefore
> like to resurrect this thread and see if we can agree on some wording.
> The patch below adds a definition of native packages to our definitions
> section and documents the following version number conventions:
> - Native packages
> - NMUs of native and non-native packages
> - binNMUs
> - Stable updates
> - Backports
> I think these are all fairly consistent and widely agreed-on at this
> point.
> Concerns, objections, seconds?

Maybe we should check whether this is consistent with the devref, since
it covers the same ground.

Bill. <ballo...@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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