The version of lintian now in testing, 2.5.52, introduces a new error (not
just a warning) for missing ".asc" signature files.  The relevant changelog
entry is

     + Added:
           - orig-tarball-missing-upstream-signature

A missing ".orig.tar.*.asc" file now produces a lintian error (not just a

debian-policy does not require such signature files in a ".changes" file
for the Checksums-Sha1, Checksums-Sha256, or Files sections.  I think for
lintian to report this as an error, it should be a policy violation.

Also, where signature files are desired, I think it would be beneficial to
also accept binary ".sig" files as an alternative to ".asc" files, for
example as produced with "gpg -b".

This is especially beneficial if any requirement for a signature file is a
goal for upstream sources.  As one example, GNU Project files on the GNU
FTP repository are uploaded with corresponding ".sig" files.  It would be
redundant to also require ".asc" signature files for those packages.

It is possible to fake out lintian by taking a binary ".sig" file and
changing its extension to ".asc", but I think that is sub-optimal.

Making changes to debian-policy (if deemed appropriate) to allow upstream
binary signature files would affect at least lintian, dpkg-dev, uscan, and
Debian maintainer guides.

Such signature files are discussed in bug #870069 for lintian and #727096
for uscan.

For dpkg, it looks like the Perl variable "$tarsign" stores the name of the
signature file in some Perl scripts.  There are patterns that allow ".asc"
filenames in "$tarsign" in and, which reside in

In summary, if ".orig.tar.*" signature files are deemed important enough to
make part of Debian policy, I think at least GNU Project upstream
maintainers would benefit from Debian recognizing the binary ".sig"
signature format in addition to the ".asc" format.  On the other hand, if
such signature files are not required for ".changes" files, then I do not
think lintian should be treating this case as an error.

No matter what, lintian behavior and Debian policy should be in agreement
with what is a real error versus what should only be treated as a warning.

Thank you,

Paul Hardy

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