On Tue, 2017-08-22 at 17:26:32 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 22 2017, Guillem Jover wrote:
> > I guess there are two problems here, one is indeed completely losing
> > the multi-page rendering from the package. The other is the default
> > change in the web site. IMO the best solution, and what is customary,
> > is to present both (or more) rendering and let the user select:
> >
> >   [HTML one-page] [HTML multi-page] [PDF] [EPUB]
> So you'd like https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ to be a menu?

No, <https://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#policy> which already
contains such menu. I'd rather see no change to the default and just
see the multi-page one added as an additional "format", so that we do
not break links etc. It's very common, and it's been so for people to
post URLs to the multi-page URLs BTW. I think having to add lots of
redirects would be counter-producive.


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