
On Sun 04 Nov 2018 at 12:38AM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:

> Maybe the relevant paragraph in policy is this one instead:
>   If build-time dependencies are specified, it must be possible to build
>   the package and produce working binaries on a system with only
>   essential and build-essential packages installed and also those
>   required to satisfy the build-time relationships (including any
>   implied relationships).
> To follow with the previous example, does this paragraph imply that if
> you call automake by "automake" and you build-depend on automake-1.11
> then you should use a build-conflict?
> I don't think so, because the "with only [...]" part suggests the
> completely minimal chroot approach to building packages.

Actually, I think this paragraph *does* entail that you should use
Build-Conflicts, if we consider Build-Conflicts to be included in
"build-time dependencies" (out of context, ISTM we should).

In your case, before the package added Build-Conflicts, it was not
possible to build the package when essential and build-essential were
installed, and the build-time dependencies specified by the package were
satisfied.  So this requirement was being violated.

Once Build-Conflicts was added, the package no longer violated this
requirement.  That's because satisfying the build-time dependencies
means removing automake.

Sean Whitton

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