Hello Ian,

On Tue 13 Nov 2018 at 05:51PM GMT, Ian Jackson wrote:

> The discussion in #913572 is just another instance of the following
> antipattern:
>    Submitter:   program X does strange thing Y which is undesirable
>    Maintainer:  Y is not against policy
> I suggest adding something like this to s1.1, "Scope", as a new 3rd
> paragraph:
>   This manual cannot and does not prohibit every possible bug or
>   undesirable behaviour.  The fact that something is not forbidden by
>   Debian policy does not mean that it is not a bug, let alone that it
>   is desirable.  Questions not covered by policy should be evaluated
>   on their merits.

Good idea.

This seems strictly informative rather than normative, but I'd like to
see some reviews/seconds so that we can confirm that this is how the
wider project understands the role of the Policy Manual.

(If no seconds but also no objections are forthcoming, I'll just apply
it as an informative change.)

Sean Whitton

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